Monday, April 22, 2013

The 90/10 Rule Of Life

If you think about what it really takes to succeed, it really only takes about 10% effort.  Unfortunately, the 10% I'm referring to is the last 10%.

So many people get so close to accomplishing a goal and then they stop.  You've probably heard the old story about the man who mines for years and only finds a little bit of gold and eventually gives up and sells the mine for a very small amount.  The man who buys it, begins digging in the same spot and in a short time he strikes a huge vein of gold!!

That is what happens to many people.  They get about 90% of the way to their goal, and then they stop and give up.  It's the reason people lose the same 20 pounds their entire life.   They do 90% of the work it takes to get to their goal weight, but don't do the last 10% of work it takes to stay there.

I'm no different.  I struggle with the 90/10 rule myself.  Most people don't reach the top of Mt. Everest, but they are 90% of the way there.  They are stopped by something and don't reach the summit.

The difference between reaching the top of Mt. Everest and reaching your personal goals is that failing to reach your goals is that typically one of the F.I.R.'s stop you.  The F.I.R.'s are your Fears, Influences and Reasons.

All three of these things are just thoughts and can be overcome.

Of course, there are real fears, real reasons and real influences that can stop you.  Much like a climber could get stopped because of a broken leg.  But the F.I.R.'s that stop most people are much more psychological than physical.

That is why I always recommend planning for the things that may try to stop you before setting out to achieve your goals.  If you know ahead of time what might get in your way, you can respond to them more quickly.

So plan for the 10% of what might stop you just before you reach your goals.

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Let me know what typically stops you and I can help you overcome those obstacles.  Leave a comment

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