Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What can snow can teach us about mindset?

The new fallen snow is a beautiful site.  It covers over trash and dirt and creates a feeling of freshness and a new start.  Here is a way to think about using snow to create a positive life!

Snow fall is one of the most beautiful sites that this world offers us.  It reminds us of the beauty of the world around us because it covers over the dirt and the trash and makes it seem like it never existed in the first place.  It's magical and it can teach us a lot about how we can reprogram ourselves to cover over the dirt and trash of our past and create a fresh start toward our future.

Think of each of your thoughts as a single snow flake. By itself, it would be hardly noticeable. One single thought in the world of thoughts that happens in our heads every day. It's pretty insignificant in terms of the amount of thoughts we have every day. And a single snow flake can would be covered by dirt quicker than we could notice its beauty on the ground.

But let's take in a step further and imagine that 60 snow flakes were to fall in front of us. We would probably notice and even have a new feeling. We might even make a mention to someone like "Oh Look It's Snowing!" And yet still if the only flakes that fell were those same 60, it would pass and move out of our lives and soon be forgotten and replaced by the dirt and trash of the world around us.

So let's think about this in the terms of our thoughts.  If we took 60 seconds to focus on the positive things in our lives and use positive words in our heads to remind us of the beauty and possibility of our lives, it would create a positive feeling in our lives and we may even mention to someone "Wow I feel good after taking a minute to focus on the good things in my life" and yet, if that were all we did it would certainly help, but the positive thoughts would be replaced by the dirt and trash of the world around us. 1 minute in 1 day can make a difference, but if that's all you ever did, it would not impact your life.

However let's look at the compounding effect of our thoughts over time. 60 seconds per day = 21,900 seconds of positive focused thoughts in 1 year. So let's take this a step further and see how we can make a significant difference in your life, just like the consistent snow fall can make the world look like a new magical land of beauty.

Imagine for a minute, an hour of consistent snow fall, but think again that it's not something that happens all at once, it's a single flake, on top of another single flake and over time it covers what's beneath it. If you were to compound one positive thought each second for just 1 hour per day, you would think 1,314,000 positive thoughts per year! But lets be realistic about the fact that you're probably not going to find a quiet spot and focus on your positive thoughts for a whole hour each day. Yet, do you think that you could focus 10 minutes in the morning when you first wake up and the last 10 minutes before you go to sleep at night to focus on nothing but the positive things that you want to happen in your life, or the things you are grateful for, or the positive thoughts in your life?  I would bet, when you notice how this practice effects your life, you will find time to focus on what you want!

That's a great way to start to see significant changes in your life with regards to how you see your life and your future. But much like ANYTHING else we do in our lives, it not going to make a big impact if you only do it once in your life and then forget about it. But if you were to do this consistently for a month, it would make a major impact in your mindset and your ability to continue to have these positive thoughts throughout the day.

That's what your goal would be in making these small changes. By doing them consistently over time, you're creating new habits that begin to become something that you do without even realizing it any more. By focusing on your positive thoughts, you're creating the habit of doing it on a regular basis without even realizing it any more. It's the same with anything we do consistently over time, both good and bad habits are formed over time.

So how do you start? Use positive affirmations and read them every day when you wake up and each night before you lay down to go to sleep.  Use the free MindTrax tool within The LifeTrax Success Tools to create your affirmations.  SMILE when you wake up, and SMILE when you lay down to go to sleep. Say something positive to yourself when you wake up and before you lay down to go to sleep. These are just a few of the ways you can begin to make small lasting changes in your mindset that will cover over the dirt and trash of your life with beauty and a fresh start like the new fallen snow. Do it consistently over time and you'll see that the dirt and trash are no longer noticed and the fresh beauty of your life is all you'll notice.

Begin today to create the new habits in your life that will make a lasting difference in how you live. Get FREE success coaching today and have Tom Anderson personally coach you to success!

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