Friday, May 3, 2013

How to wake up with more excitement!

What gets you up and out of bed in the morning?  For many people it's just their job.  But what if you could create a life where you woke up each day and what you did for the day was the J.O.B. that you LOVE!

I'm talking about your Journey Of Being.  What is your vision for what your life could be?  When you create your journey of being, you give yourself a new J.O.B. to wake up and look forward to each and every day.

How do you do this?  You create the environment in your mind of how you want your exact life to look.  The big misconception of success is that it just happens for some people.  However, people who are living the life that you want, didn't just get there, they arrived there.  But how do you arrive there?

Here is the #1 way to live the life you want to live.  You have to actually live in that place in your mind and show up as that person in your life every day.

So if your perfect life is a life of pure joy and happiness at all times.  Then you will want to create a vision of that life in your mind.  Each moment, you'll want to show up in your life as a person full of joy and happiness.  Be the person you want to be in the life you want to have.  Even if you don't know how it's possible, be it anyway and the clarity will come.

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